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Tas Grosiran

kl ada temen" mw ngadain event or apapun itu n bth tas dalam jumlah banyak (minimum order 50 pcs kontak gw ya? Silahkan tinggalkan komentar disini, atau email ke

have I do the best?

ok gw mw nulis soal judul d atas.sbnrnya Tuhan ud ks tw soal ini sjk lama,tp gw lupa soal ini n skrg dy ingetin gw lg soal ini. kl qt ngerasa ud do the best tp ternyata bg orang lain kbnykn qt belum then itu berarti mrk lihat sbnrnya qt blm keluarin kemampuan terbaik qt. so don't think they hate u,but that proved that they care about u. they want u to become the better u. GBU

Sex Before Marriage (The Risks)

CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY WISCONSIN COUNSELING SERVICES No one doubts that sexual activity in the new millennium is physically, emotionally, and socially dangerous. So it's important to think about all of the ramifications. 10. The risk of death. No one can deny that having sex before marriage can have grave consequences. More than 600,000 cases of AIDS have been reported in the United States since 1981, and as many as 900,000 Americans may be infected with HIV. "HIV Infection and AIDS,", (21 November 2000). 1 Corinthians 6:18 Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. 1 Corinthians 10:8 We should not commit sexual immorality, as some of them did-and in one day twenty-three thousand of them died. 9. The risk of lost relationships. When you choose to develop a sexual relationship with someone, you have immediately changed the entire definition of the relationship. God...

You Can Try Again!!! LOL...

A young unwed girl discovers that she is pregnant. Scared, she confides this 'news' to her mother. Shouting, cursing, crying, the mother says, "Who was the pig that did this to you? I want to know!" The girl picks up the phone and makes a call. Half an hour later a Ferrari stops in front of their house; a mature and distinguished man with gray hair and impeccably dressed in a very expensive suit steps out of it and enters the house. He sits in the living room with the father, the mother and the girl, and tells them: "Good morning, your daughter has informed me of the problem. However, I can't marry her because of my personal family situation, but I'll take responsibility. If a girl is born I will bequeath her 2 retail stores, a townhouse, a beach villa and a $1,000,000 bank account. If a boy is born, my legacy will be a couple of factories and a $2,000,000 bank account. If it is twins, a factory and $1,000,000 each. However, if there is a miscarriage, wha...

Little Mozart From Korea

SEOUL, SELASA -Ratusan penonton berlinang air mata saat seorang bocah perempuan tampil memainkan piano. Saat itu jemari mungilnya memainkan Fur Elise, komposisi karya Beethoven. Yang membuat penonton terharu bukan karena lirik lagu itu, melainkan karena penampilan pianisnya, Yoo Ye-eun. Warga Korea yang baru berumur lima tahun itu ternyata buta sejak lahir. Yoo memang bocah ajaib. Dalam usia balita dia telah menggegerkan dunia musik. Yoo bisa memainkan karya-karya komponis besar seperti Mozart, Chopin, dan Beethoven, ditambah lagu-lagu pop masa kini. Yang lebih mengagumkan, Yoo tak perlu lama mempelajari lagu-lagu klasik yang terbilang sulit. Sekali dengar, dia bisa membawakan lagu itu dengan sempurna. "Bagaimana mungkin?" tanya seorang pembawa acara Star King, sebuah acara adu bakat terkenal di Korea . "Benar-benar mengagumkan, " tambahnya. Program televisi itu menobatkannya menjadi pemenang. Bocah itu mendapatkan hadiah pertama sebesar 1 juta won (Rp 9,1 miliar)....

Peringkat Selingkuh berdasarkan Zodiak (Just 4 Fun)

T A U R U S 21 April - 20 Mei Peringkat 1 : Kesetiaannya luar biasa dan paling dapat diandalkan. Bagi beberapa zodiac tertentu, Taurus kadangkala dianggap pribadi yang agak membosankan dalam hubungan interaksi karena cenderung berkutat dalam hitungan "berhemat-hemat" atau paling tidak dianggap keras kepala C A N C E R 21 Juni - 22 Juli Peringkat 2 : Ratu Rumahan yang setia, selalu ingin merawat pasangannya. Sensitivitas tinggi membuatnya sangat berhati-hati untuk tidak dilukai dan melukai. Cancer terkesan menutup rapat diri yang membuat beberapa zodiac tertentu menjadi tidak sabar karena makan waktu untuk berinteraksi dengannya. V I R G O 23 Agustus - 22 September Peringkat 3 : Sangat hati-hati memilih pasangan. Ketemu satu saja sudah bikin "capek", jadi boro-boro mau "main-mata" lagi..Kerap lumayan rewel dan kritis yang menunjukkan betapa besar perhatiannya pada seseorang. Bagi beberapa zodiac tertentu, Virgo adalah tipe yang kerewelan dan kritiknya kadan...

Karakter Pria berdasarkan Zodiak

Sumber:]Kompas.Com - Karakter.pria.berdasarkan.zodiak Lelaki Aquarius: Ia berdarah panas, suka melakukan apa pun sesuai keinginan. Jika tak mengerti atau tak bisa mengikutinya, Anda tak akan betah bersama dia dalam waktu lama. Gaya bicaranya blak-blakan dan tak pintar berbohong. Ia tak suka orang pesimis, tak punya semangat, dan berotak dangkal. Jangan memancing kecemburuannya karena ia tak akan membuat keributan, melainkan pergi meninggalkan Anda. Lelaki Pisces: Ia berjiwa sensitif, pendiam, pemalu, dan sangat emosional. Ia bukan orang yang suka melawan arus, dan lebih memilih jalur aman. Bagi dia, dalam hidup yang penting bukanlah cinta melainkan status dan stabilitas. Ia suka perempuan ceria dan cerdas. Jangan menasihati dirinya, karena ia tak suka. Ia lebih menghargai Anda mencontohkannya terlebih dulu, daripada memberinya kuliah. Lelaki Aries: Ia dapat terlihat lembut, tapi di dalam hatinya ia orang ya...

25 Aturan Nge-Date....

1) Orang ngga pernah or sulit berubah. Jika ada yg lo NGGA suka dari seseorang sekarang, hal itu akan jadi masalah nantinya. 2) Bahkan jika lo ngga pasti akan apa yg lo mau, lo harus tau pasti apa yg lo NGGA mau. 3) JANGAN pernah terlibat hubungan dengan orang yang pernah berbuat curang / selingkuh sama lo. Kesempatan untuk kembali selingkuh sangatlah besar saat mrk merasa bosan dengan lo atau dengan hubungan kalian. Jangan bodoh. 4) Selalu ada alasan mengapa mereka putus dengan ex mereka. Cobalah tidak cemburu. 5) Jangan selalu berpikir dan takut akan kehilangan pasangan lo, dgn mikir,”Gimana kalo gue ngelakuin ini n doi ngga suka gw lagi?” ato “Apa yg dia pikirin ttg gw kalo dia tw?” ... “Gimana kalo dia bangun di suatu pagi dan mutusin kalo dia ngga suka gw lagi?” "Gimana kalo dia jatuh cinta dengan temen sekantornya?” Percaya dirilah bahwa walo mereka dideketin ma orang yg bener” memikat hatinya, mrk ngga akan tertarik n menjauh. 6) Siapapun mampu melakukan apapun. Jangan pern...


ASIIKK.. bsk pulang kampung.senangnya hatiku.. dl gw sempet mikir knp ada tradisi mudik y?knp harus mudik?ternyata gw ngikut jg ga sabar ktm org rumah.. c u all.. Sent from my phone using trutap


CINTA.1 kata yg penuh makna. di satu sisi membuat gembira,di sisi laen bikin sakit.. CINTA itu kek candu,bikin ketagihan n bila ga dipenuhi bikin sakaw.. CINTA SEJATI?!? apakah benar ada ato cm ilusi?? gw ga tw..

ABCD2E (Cont'd)

Lanjut yg kmrn.. D-DELIVERENCE ga tw bnr tulisannya pa kagak..yg pasti artinya pelepasan..maktudna adlh melepaskan diri qt dr segala beban dosa & ikatan yg menghalangi qt ktm TUHAN. berarti pertobatan hari lepas hari.. firman THN ngomong yg menghalangi hub qt ma THN adlh dosa qt. itu berarti try to be holy all de time.. E-ENHANCE UR LIFE artinya tingkatkan kualitas hdp qt hari lepas hari. coz DIA mw qt jd lbh baek hari lepas hari. artinya ada perubahan dr diri qt untk JD lbh baek & senantiasa menyenangkan hati-NYA. dgn mjd more better than b'fore qt nunjukin k DIA jg bhw we r reliable. itu menunjukkan bhw qt layak dpercaya olh DIA. E-ENCOURAGE OTHERS artinya TUHAN ud tunjukin jalan bwt qt, so ud sepantesnya we do de same 4 others. hal itu b'arti qt jd saksi-NYA n bawa more people to be HIS disciples. ok, that's it!! tks!! GBU


bingung y ma judulnya?bagus dech kl gt..wkwk.. gw mo crita apa yg TUHAN ajarin k gw. pas ntu gw nanya k TUHAN apa yg gw kudu lakuin utk tw apa yg DIA mw.coz sulit bgt bwt kan bodoh jd perlu d ajarin.. truz DIA ks tips ABCD2E : A-ASK artinya NANYa dong k TUHAN kl ga tw.that's mean doa man..kl ga pernah doa gmn twnya.. B-BIBLE artinya ALKITAB. bc ALKITAB biar tw yg dmauin BABE kek itu lengkap..itu ga cm b'isi surat cinta k qt,tp jg jati diri DIA yg sebenernya..dsitu qt bkln tw isi, read it.. C-COMMIT artinya ga mendua hati. like HE said,"qt ga bs mengabdi k 2 tuan". so, kl ud mutusin ngikut TUHAN, harus full ga stgh". TUHAN tuntut k'setiaan qt.. msh ada 3 nyambung ntar y prenz.. to be continued..


Gw lagi males update sebenernya. setiap kali di depan internet, gw gag taw mo nulis apa... bingung pokoknya.... Jika hidup terasa berat hari ini dan gajian terasa masih sangat lama atau tugas yg ngga selesai- selesai, atau target yg belom achieve, malah ditambahin hanya satu hal yang dapat kita lakukan .... kirimkanlah senyum kepada semua orang hari ini


My nightmare is coming again.i don't know why.. apa jangan" karena muna na gw, jd TuHaN ingetin gw lwt hal itu.. that makes me realize how small n fragile i am without HìM.. Maap y TuHaN 4 aLL yg ud gw bikin k Loe..gudmorning..

Bad News dah...:D

Suatu sore telepon berbunyi. "Hallo, Pak juri ? Ini saya, tuan, Dodo, pembantu di villa bapak.." "Oh iya. Ada apa Do? Ada masalah? "Anu..saya nelepon cuma mau ngasih tau, burung kakaktua bapak mati.." "Kakaktua saya? Mati? Yang pernah menang di Lomba Tingkat Dunia itu??" "Ya tuan..yang itu" "Waduh sial juga ya...lumayan banyak juga tuh duit keluar buat ngelatih tu burung..matinya kenapa do?" "Gara2 makan daging busuk, tuan" "Daging busuk?? Siapa yang ngasih dia daging busuk??!!" "Ngga ada tuan..dia cuma makan daging kuda yang udah mati." "Kuda mati? Kuda mati apa??" "Kuda punya tuan." "Kuda yang menang pacuan internasional itu?!!!" "Iya tuan, Dia mati kecapen setelah narik gerobak tong air." "Lu gila ya? gerobak air apaan???" "Gerobak air buat madamin api, tuan" "Ya ampuun..api apa lagi???" "Api di rumah tuan! Ada lilin yang jat...

Ahhh.... dooo......

A Lot of jobs to do.... I feel tired n wanna to sleep.... oh gezzz.... Jesus where are You?? can i sleep for a moment? can i speaks to you for a while to refresh me again? i need to get out from my routines n just stepped out for a while.... but, if you can see it jesus, at my desk, i don't know how to fix it right away... which one i must do first? please tell me, wouldn't u? i pray to you coz i know u know how i feel. n i don't need to pretend anything to you. you know exactly how i am, how i feel, whether i walk or run, sleep or awake, busy or not, you know it, right? i'm glad i'm not u, so i can speaks to you freely... without any suspicious feeling, or thinking are u in the good mood? thx for listens to me right now.... see you again tonight.... Love U....

Karakter Orang Berdasarkan Pohon

23 Desember - 1 Januari Apel 2 Januari - 11 Januari Fir 12 Januari - 24 Januari Elm 25 Januari - 3 Februari Cypress 4 Februari - 8 Februari Poplar 9 Februari - 18 Februari Cedar 19 Februari - 28 Februari Pinus / Pine 1 Maret - 10 Maret Weeping Willow 11 Maret - 20 Maret Lime 21 Maret Oak 22 Maret - 31 Maret Halzelnut 1 April - 10 April Rowan 11 April - 20 April Maple 21 April - 30 April Walnut 1 Mei - 14 Mei Poplar 15 Mei - 24 Mei Chestnut 25 Mei - 3 Juni Ash 4 Juni - 13 Juni Hornbeam 14 Juni - 23 Juni Fig 24 Juni Birch 25 Juni - 4 Juli Apel 5 Juli - 14 Juli Fir 15 Juli - 25 Juli Elm 26 Juli - 4 Agustus Cypress 5 Agustus - 13 Agustus Poplar 14 Agustus - 23 Agustus Cedar 24 Agustus - 2 September Pinu / Pine 3 September - 12 September Weeping Willow 13 September - 22 September Lime 23 September Olive 24 September - 3 Oktober Hazelnut 4 Oktober - 13 Oktober Rowan 14 Oktober - 23 Oktober Maple 24 Oktober - 11 November Walnut 12 November - 21 November Chestnut 22 November - 1 Desember Ash 2...

NASA & the BiBLE

Thought this was pretty amazing and interesting!! For all the scientists out there, and for all the students who have a hard time convincing these people regarding the truth of the Bible, here's something that shows God's awesome creation, and that He is still in control! Did you know that the space program is busy proving that what has been called "myth" in the Bible is true? Mr. Harold Hill, President of the Curtis Engine Company in Baltimore, Maryland, and a consultant in the space program, relates the following development. I think one of the most amazing things that God has done for us today happened recently to our astronauts and space scientists at Green Belt, Maryland. They were checking out where the positions of the sun, moon, and planets would be 100 years and 1,000 years from now.. We have to know this so we won't send up a satellite and have it bump into something later on in its orbits. We have to lay out the orbits in terms of the life of the satell...

My OaTH tO you....

A little girl went to her bedroom and pulled a glass jelly jar from its hiding place in the closet. She poured the change out on the floor and counted it carefully. Three times, even. The total had to be exactly perfect. No chance here for mistakes. Carefully placing the coins back in the jar and twisting on the cap, she slipped out the back door and made her way 6 blocks to Rexall's Drug Store with the big red Indian Chief sign above the door. She waited patiently for the pharmacist to give her some attention, but he was too busy at this moment. Tess twisted her feet to make a scuffing noise. Nothing. She cleared her throat with the most disgusting sound she could muster. No good. Finally she took a quarter from her jar and banged it on the glass counter. That did it! "And what do you want?" the pharmacist asked in an annoyed tone of voice. I'm talking to my brother from Chicago whom I haven't seen in ages," he said without waiting for a reply to his questio...


Akhirnya,,, internet hidup lagi... sejak kemaren sempet down gara2 mati lampu bok... kek nya gw uda kecanduan internet nich, wakakaka.... habisnya kalo gag ada internet rasanya kurang hidup sich... :D:D just want to share my poem...hihihi... I don’t know what love is until I found you You make my life bright and clear Like a garden with so many beautiful flowers Your beauty so delighted me I take my vow and declare it to you I won’t love you just with the words The words of emptiness and barren For the heaven knew how much I love you Jesus thanks for all your love Ye made our love grew and glaring Ye made us one and led on To the path of joy and gracious love I won’t be afraid and worn out I won’t stop and turn back I won’t become weary and be gone ‘Coz your ring of love encircle tight to my heart

a brand new day

Today is a brand new day. I love the smell of morning... I love the fresh air too. Even if, last night i've got some insomnia. Well, maybe that's because of a cup of coffee i drank. Geezz, that's not very good too stay awake in the middle of feeling want to slept. But last night I'm so happy coz I can met my lovely God n have a chit chat with Him. I ask Him how come He so generous with me, even if, i always and often ignoring Him and hurt His heart. But, He still cares of me. He still waiting me to come and speaks with Him. It such a wonderful God I have. I often get angry to Him, but with His great patience, He calm me down. When I'm afraid, He accompany me. When I sick, He heal me. But, still I often hurt His feeling. I asked Him, why I often cannot do the same things to Him. It's bother me, to know that I love Him, but, I do the opposite to Him. I closed my prayer by asking Him to teach me, so I can love Him more, cares of Him more and more, and so on. Today...


Is this of any relevance in light of the tsunami in Asia on the 26th of December, and more recently, the cyclone that struck Myanmar and the earthquake in China? Independent of any creed or Religion, it is better to be prepared and be in good Terms with GOD, though we never know when we will be leaving this world.... THE LAST SECRET OF FATIMA. The Church has given permission to reveal to the people the last part of the message. The Blessed Virgin Appeared to three children in Fatima, Portugal in 1917. This is a proven fact. One of these children is still alive, her name is Lucia and she is a Recluse nun and lives in a European monastery. Lucia disclosed the message for the first time to Pope Pio XXII, who after reading it sealed and stored it away without making it public. Later John XXIII read it and in the same manner as his predecessor, kept it out of public eye because he knew that once revealed, it will bring desperation and panic to human kind. Now the time has come and permis...


halo... how r u frens?? hope ya'll have a great day... Phew... today... I feel so sleepy... but I can't go to bed coz I'm at the office right now... I've got to work right now... there's a lot of work I have to do... Oh... Jesus Christ... give me strenght okay... I'll never give up searching Your face, Jesus... see ya'll soon... Today's word: Read I Peter 5:5-6

GrEaT De...

hii...guys... my life is very great today. Yesterday God give me some new vision about a snake that can bite me anytime, about my future, my calling in Him, and so on. Well... you know Paul... at Acts 28, when he is at Malta ISland, he was bite by a snake. Snake bites you after you do a great job in the name of JEsus. Why?? coz you're very very dangerous for him. Snake knows your potential in God's so he scare if you succeed in God. Alot of christian people "die" not because a big storm, but they often "died" coz of a snake that bite you and make you go away from Lord. Remember this friend, when snakes bite you, that mean, he knows you're good in God so you're his big enemy. But, be still in God. Never give up. You still have something to do with God, and that must be a great job in the name of Jesus. Maybe what I write today confusing you, fren. But, remain one thing, just make an intimmate relationship with God, and you'll see better than befor...

Lucky Man

Well, i dont what i should write here?? i little confused if i thinking 'bout my life... i've took a long journey that i feel doesnt have an end. Sometimes i ask God,"why this happen to me?? What should i do??" Sometimes i think my luck is bad... but when i come to that conclusion, i just come to another conclusion that though i'm at bad luck, but my Lord will become my fortune... I just think that i'm a lucky man coz my Lord allways take care of me... Oh, Lord just give me strength to go through my life... forgive me coz of my sin and my wrong... i just cant live without u, Lord Jesus... just teach me to walk with u...

WhAt's UP??

what's up guys... it's been a long time not to write on... Well... sometimes I feel confused 'bout my life.. It seem so complicated... Each time I want to reach out my dream, that time I've got trouble that make me don't understanda whya that happen???? It seem my path is very dark and black... and that time I ask God what's Your plans on me??? It seem You make me suffer, and the only answer I get is this: "Ya'll know what I'm doing when you go through it... Just stand by me... and I'll help u go through all this stuff..." I don't get it what kinda of answer that's... I feel so crush... and I can't stand anymore... But ones again He said,"Only believe..." Oh, Lord... when I ask You,"when this over?" whya never get Your answer... whata get just You want me to be close to You... Just help me Lord to go through my day by day... stand by You and close to You... Make my feet strong... I give up Lord... Do whatave...

What a WeiRD FeeLing I had...

hello, it's me again... well, what i gonna to write today? uhm, last night i went home late around 6.30pm. phew, n ye know i caught on traffic jam. but, praise the Lord, not for long time like before. but, when i got home, i'm not feel tired. it looks like i have extra energy to do some more work. but, the really is i don't want do any work again tee-hee... coz i just want to get rest. but, when i think about God, i decided to pray at the moment (oh, i love U Lord). i know God wants me to meet Him that night. can i refusing it? actually i can, but i don't want to do that. n, ye know guys, if you come to Him with joy, grateful heart, n energetic, He will very happy because of what you have done. I told Him that I'm worried about my financial condition n 'bout my future. i told Him everything 'bout how i feel. n He gives me His word n i know He's not joking 'bout it. Read on Psalm 34:9-10 WEB version. in there you can read that everyone who fear the Lo...

devil and angel

Devil and Angel... one of my friends used it as her nickname n suddenly i want to write about it. Everyone has their own devil and angel. They have their own good and bad side. It's like Yin-Yang, in the white circle, there is small black circle, and also, in the big black circle, there's small white circle. Nobody are pure black or pure white. Even the saints have their own weaknesses. Nobody's perfect. Even St.Paul, the Apostle, said that he has small thorn in his flesh, n when he asks God to take it away, God said,"In your weaknesses, my Name will be proclaim." Yes, God created us to do a good thing. But, because the sins, we lost His glory in us and unable to do the good things by ourself. So, God gives us His power and wisdom to enable us do the good things and please Him. Still, the decision is in our hand. Like on the Yin-Yang symbol, if we decide to give more food to our white side, we will make our Angelic side become stronger. If we feed more to our blac...

put the glass down

A professor began his class by holding up a glass with some water in it. He held it up for all to see & asked the students,' How much do you think this glass weighs? '50 gm!' ...'100 gm!' ......'125 gm' ......the students answered. 'I really don't know unless I weigh it,' said the professor, 'but, my question is: What would happen if I held it up like this for a few minutes?' 'Nothing' the students said. 'Ok what would happen if I held it up like this for an hour?' the professor asked. Your arm would begin to ache' said one of the students. 'You're right, now what would happen if I held it for a day?' Your arm could go numb, you might have severe muscle stress & paralysis & have to go to hospital for sure!' ventured another student & all the students laughed. 'Very good. But during all this, did the weight of the glass change? asked the professor. 'No' 'Then what caused t...

Power of PrAYeR

Do you know this story? It's worth reading..... A poor dressed lady with a look of defeat on her face, walked into a grocery store. She approached the owner of the store in a most humble manner and asked if he would let her charge a few groceries. She softly explained that her husband was unable to work, they had seven children and Power of Prayer they needed food. John Longhouse, the grocer, scoffed at her and requested that she leave his store. Visualizing the family needs, she said: "Please , sir i will bring you the money just as soon as I can." John told her he could not give her credit , as she did not have a charge account at his store. Standing beside the counter was a customer who overheard the conversation between the two. The customer walked forward and told the grocer that he would stand good for whatever she needed for her family. The grocer said in a very reluctant voice, "Do you have a grocery list?" Louise replied, "Yes sir". OK he said...

How Poor Are We?

One day a father and his rich family took his son to a trip to the country with the firm purpose to show him how poor people can be. They spent a day and a night in the farm of a very poor family. When they got back from their trip the father asked his son, "How was the trip?" "Very good Dad!" replied his son. "Did you see how poor people can be?" the father asked. "Yeah!" "And what did you learn?" The son answered, "I saw that we have a dog at home, and they have four. We have a pool that reaches to the middle of the garden; they have a creek that has no end. We have imported lamps in the garden; they have the stars. Our patio reaches to the front yard, they have a whole horizon." When the little boy was finishing, his father was speechless. His son added, "Thanks Dad for showing me how poor we are!" Today's Lesson: Our outlook on life depends on the way you look at things. What others may think as riches, other...

Andoy's Story

Somewhere in Milaor, Camarines Sur, Philippines there lived a 4th Grader boy named Andoy who would follow this route to school everyday. He has to cross the rugged plains and cross the dangerous highway where vehicles are recklessly driving to and from. Once passed this highway, the boy would take a short cut by passing by the church every morning just to say hi to Jesus, and faithfully say his, “magandang umaga po“ in Bicol dialect. A priest, who was so happy to find innocence so uplifting in the morning, was faithfully watching the boy. “kamusta Andoy! Papasok ka Na?” “opo padre…” he would flash his innocent grin, the priest would be touched. The priest was so concerned that one day he talked to Andoy, “from School…”, he advised “do not cross the highway, you can pass through the church and i can accompany you to the other side of the road… That way i can see that you are home safe. “thank you father.” “why don’t you go home? Why do you stay in this church right after school?” “i ju...


Jesus Christ is savior. Well, i know bout it. but sometimes, there's something inside me doubt it. it says in my heart,"Is that true?" "Do you really believe it?" "If he is a savior, why my life is so difficult?", etc... Then I realize, hey, that's mean I still a human, so I need God n I still normal. If i just received it without try to understand what i believe, i would be a dumb man... That's why God give me brain n heart to think logically and to feel His existence surround me. Now, i'll ignore all that dumb questions above. What i more care about is what the meaning of Jesus for my life... Jesus gives all He has for me, and i know its more than enough. The big question now,"what i have give to Him?" "If it's enough what i give to Him?"


life is not easy... there will be alot of probs... a lot of joy and tears a lot of loving kindness and hatred but we can always choose to love or to hate... to bring peace or war... to be joy or sad to forgive or take revenge it's up to us... which we want to choose...

The Room

In that place between wakefulness and dreams, I found myself in the room. There were no distinguishing features save for the one wall covered with small index-card files. They were like the ones in libraries that list titles by author or subject in alphabetical order. But these files, which stretched from floor to ceiling and seemingly endlessly in either direction, had very different headings. As I drew near the wall of files, the first to catch my attention was one that read "Girls I Have Liked." I opened it and began flipping through the cards. I quickly shut it, shocked to realize that I recognized the names written on each one. And then without being told, I knew exactly where I was. This lifeless room with its small files was a crude catalog system for my life. Here were written the actions of my every moment, big and small, in a detail my memory couldn't match. A sense of wonder and curiosity, coupled with horror, stirred within me as I began randomly opening ...